Wedding Venues
From the numerous beautiful and historic wedding venues in New Harmony to the Ohio River waterfront in Mount Vernon, Posey County is a great place to get married.
Contact Kari.mobley@visitposeycounty for tour options.
MacLeod Barn Abbey
Book Your Stay The MacLeod Barn Abbey is a beautiful building that provides a communal living space and a great view of the Wabash River and the fields leading up to it. The barn Abbey was originally envisioned as the home of a progressive Christian worship movement based on the ideas …
Church Park
New Harmony’s Church Park was built on the original site of the Harmonist church and is a wonderful place for rest and reflection as you make your way around the town. The park features a fountain by celebrated American sculptor Don Gummer, who along with his wife, the actress Meryl …
New Harmony Inn, Resort & Conference Center
Book Your Stay The New Harmony Inn, Resort and Conference Center was designed to embody the history of New Harmony by integrating the quiet simplicity of the original Harmonists, the utopian dreams of the Owenists, and the art and culture of present day New Harmony. It’s classic brick exteriors, ample grounds, …
Rapp-Owen Granary
The Rapp-Owen Granary is one of New Harmony’s most spectacular buildings, and a national landmark as well. Originally seven stories, but later redesigned to be two floors with very high ceilings and solid wood beams and rafters, the building radiates warm spaciousness and awesome grandeur.
Ribeyre Center
Originally the home of the New Harmony Rappites, the Ribeyre Center is an old high school gymnasium much like the one in “Hoosiers.” Today, with its capacity of up to 600, it’s a popular spot for all kinds of events, including antique shows, an antiquarian book show, holiday gift extravaganzas, …
Riverbend Park Amphitheater
With its wonderful Ohio River backdrop, Riverbend Park Amphitheater in Mount Vernon has quickly become a popular spot for weddings and other large gatherings.
Roofless Church
With its wonderful Ohio River backdrop, Riverbend Park Amphitheater in Mount Vernon has quickly become a popular spot for weddings and other large gatherings.